What is a hackathon?
Build anything you can think of over a two day window. No programming experience required. We provide the mentors, workshops, and prizes.
Is there a more specific schedule I can reference?
- Saturday, 11/9
- Sunday, 11/10
Check-In 9:00 AM
Kickoff + Keynote 10:00 AM
Lunch 12:30 PM
Workshops 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Dinner 6:00 PM
Wrap-Up 8:00 PM
Do I need a team?
You can participate in teams of three. This number is not capped but not fixed, so solo participation is allowed. If you would like to find a group prior to the hackathon, we strongly encourage you to join our Discord server. You must check in with your group on the day of the hackathon.
What is Foothill Hacks?
Foothill Hacks is a general hackathon in order to encourage participation and foster innovation as much as possible. You can develop a project under three major categories: App Development, Machine Learning & Articial Intelligence, and Blockchain (Web3). Projects will not be graded solely on technical prowess. Judging criteria includes applicability, innovativeness, and originality as well as technical skill.
What should I bring?
Your student ID, a laptop, chargers, and hygeine products (like deodorant).